Waterfall, Web, PHP, MySQL,Abstract
Attendance is the act of recording and monitoring someone's attendance or absence from an event, class, or other activity. This is often done to manage individual attendance and track attendance for administrative, payroll, and monitoring purposes. In the attendance process, MTS Miftahul Hidayah still uses a manual attendance system, in the form of paper recording, which uses student attendance books so that evaluations often occur errors in the student attendance recap process, slowing down the process of making learning evaluation reports or report cards for students. For this reason, an information system in the form of an application is needed that can help in the process of making attendance to students. In solving the problems faced by the MTS Miftahul Hidayah Rumpin school, therefore the author conducted a web-based student attendance development research on the case study of MTS Miftahul Hidayah Rumpin. With this web-based student attendance system, it can make it easier for teachers to carry out the attendance process and make student attendance reports. The development of this web-based student attendance system uses the Waterfall method to assist in the process of sorting the work that must be completed.