
  • Focus and Scope


    Focus and Scope

    JCOSBIDA: Journal Computer Science And Big Data on various issues that include

    1. Internet of Things (IoT)
    2. Big Data
    3. Software Engineering
    4. Mobile Technology And Applications
    5. Computer Vision
    6. Image Processing
    7. Bioinformatics
    8. Robotics
    9. Database Systems
    10. Information Engineering
    11. Intelligence Artificial
    12. Interactive Multimedia
    13. Computer Network
    14. Knowledge Management System
    15. Information System Audit
    16. Accounting Information System
    17. Information Technology Investment
    18. Information System Development Methodology
    19. Strategic Information System
    20. Business Intelligence
    21. Decision Support System
    22. Executive Information System
    23. Enterprise System
    24. Knowledge Management
    25. E-Learning
    26. E-Business
    27. E-Health
    28. E-Commerce
    29. E-Supply Chain Management
    30. E-Customer Relationship Management
    31. E-Marketing
    32. E-Government
    33. And Other Scope
    Read more about Focus and Scope
  • Reviewer


    1. Anindito. S. Kom. M. Kom
    2. Aang Kisnu Darmawan, ST.MM Universitas Islam Madura
    3. Ahmad Haris Hasanuddin Slamet, S.TP., M.P. Politeknik Negeri Jember
    4. Ahmad Sofyan Sulaeman, S.Pd., M.Si Universitas Mandiri
    5. Nugroho Arif Sudibyo, S.Si, M.Pd Universitas Duta Bangsa
    6. Adil Setiawan, M.Kom Universitas Potensi Utama
    7. Ahmad Sofyan Sulaeman, S.Pd., M.Si. Universitas Mandiri
    8. DR. ARIEF RAHMAN YUSUF, M.Pd. Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo
    9. Dr. Sulfikar Sallu. M.Kom. ITIL.MTA.CSCA.MCE Universitas Sembilan Belas November Kolaka
    10. Ferdinandus Lidang witi, SE.,M.Kom Universitas Flores
    11. La Ode Agus Salim, S.Si., M.Si. Institut Sains Teknologi dan Kesehatan 'Aisyiyah Kendari
    12. Marfin, M.T. Universitas Pamulang
    13. Maria Yuliana Kua, S.Pd., M.Pd. STKIP Citra Bakti
    14. Muhammad Yahya Matdoan, S.Si.,M.Si Universitas Pattimura
    15. Imam Ahmad, S. Kom. M. Kom Universitas Teknokrat
    16. Sanusi, S. Pd. M. Kom Universitas Syiah Kuala Aceh
    17. Lailan Sahrina Hasibuan, S. Kom. M. Kom Institut Pertanian Bogor
    18. Surianti. M. Kom STMIK Umel Mandiri
    19. Agung Prajuhana, M. Kom Universitas Pakuan
    20. Mohamad Iqbal, M.Kom Universitas Pakuan

    Read more about Reviewer
  • Author Fee


    Start ISSUE  Vol 1, no 1 tahun 2023

    Journal of computer science and big data (JCOSBIDA)

    Article Submission: 0.00 (IDR)
    Article Publication: 250.000.00 (IDR)

    Penalty Fee
    The penalty fee will be charged Rp. 750.000 (IDR) to authors who decide to retract or withdraw articles after articles published. This is because the authors do not respect the whole process that has been done.

    Read more about Author Fee